Weather Summary
The high temperature in Gibraltar in February is 19°C with 11 days of rain. The sun rises at 8am and sets at 7pm in February giving on average 11 hours of daily light. You can expect 11 days of the month to experience some rain.
Weather Details
Humidity in Gibraltar in February tends to be high, creating a damp and muggy environment. This can make it feel colder than it actually is, and may also cause discomfort for those sensitive to humidity.
High and Low Temperature Range
February temperatures range on average between 10°C and 19°C.
Is it Sunny in February (Cloud Cover)?
There are 38% of overcast days with the remaining 62% being partly cloudy or clear.
How many Hours of Sunshine or Rain Per Day?
There are 11 daylight hours in February with 11 days of rain. However, rain in Gib is not like the UK! A “day of rain” means it will rain a bit sometime during that day – and not all day!
UV Index – Tan or Burn?
The average UV Index is 4. Typically, if light skinned, you’re safe at UV index levels of under 3 but higher levels require much more caution. See this article for more information.
What Clothing Should You Bring?
For men, it is recommended to bring long-sleeved shirts, light sweaters, and a jacket for chilly evenings. Pants or jeans are also suitable for the winter weather. For women, it is recommended to bring long-sleeved tops, light sweaters, and a jacket for colder temperatures. Pants or jeans, along with tights or leggings, are suitable for the weather in February. It is also advisable to bring a scarf, hat, and gloves for added warmth.
Gibraltar Weather In Other Months
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December