February Weather in Gibraltar
With highs of 19°C will you get a suntan?
With highs of 19°C will you get a suntan?
With highs of 18°C will you get a suntan?
This walk will take you on an epic walking route starting at Casemates Square. You will see everything the rock and Nature Reserve has to offer, including spectacular views off the beaten path! You will not find this level of information anywhere, not even in the official maps. In fact, the official map makes you […]
If you’re thinking of heading up to the Northern Defences in Gibraltar then this guide is the most comprehensive on the internet! In it you will receive: All information was compiled by myself, climbing the actual routes multiple times. I also spent many hours at Gib library finding out the history, bringing it to you […]
There are 2 primary routes to get up the Northern defences, one is shorter and steeper, the other is less steep but slightly longer. This page details the fast and steep route. If you’d prefer the shallower but slightly longer version then please click here. The defences are UNLIT inside and some sections are pitch […]
If you’re relatively fit then the Northern defences that overlook the town and airport can be reached within 10 minutes from Main Street in Gib. This guide takes you from Main Street to the start of the Northern defences area. There are many alternate routes but this one is the slightly more gentle sloping version, […]
Morrisons is a large British supermarket in Gibraltar with only one branch here. Most products are imported from the UK and about 30% more expensive. In fact Morrisons is seen locally as “the expensive place to shop”. Nevertheless they do have weekly deals and a few products sourced from Spain. Opening Times Morrisons is open […]
There is only one McDonalds in all of Gibraltar. Here are its details: Opening Times Sunday to Thursday: 9.00am to 10.30pm.Friday and Saturday: 9.00am to 11.30pm. Directions & Map McDonald’s Gibraltar is located right next to Morrisons and Atlantic Suites / Health Club. Price of Coffee Amazingly a regular McDonalds coffee in Gib is priced […]